
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
New Release Wall: Crisis on Earth-X Day One
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
The CW's superhero shows come together for another big-ass crossover -- and this one feels bigger and more epic than Justice League, so Russ had to comment a bit.
Joining him is Michele Curran from #TVGeek Podcast, and the two tackle the first night of the crossover event in as much non-spoiler glory as they can.
If you want to hear more like this, check out our Patreon -- you can find it here, and among other things backers can get a quarterly, exclusive video podcast DELIVERED ON VHS.

Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Watchmen and Iambic Pentameter
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
One of a handful of special episodes recorded in the run-up to DC Comics's DOOMSDAY CLOCK.
You can find us (and a number of other awesome podcasts) on the ACPN family of shows.
The Emerald City Video Podcast is a periodic podcast hosted by entertainment journalist Russ Burlingame, with a rotating cast of hosts who used to work at the Emerald City Video store in East Syracuse, New York. The store was once awarded by the Video Software Dealers of America as the best small video store in the U.S. Though it closed in 2009, the store’s legacy still touches the daily lives of a lot of the people who used to work there, and the Syracuse community as a whole still has a lot of fondness for its memory.
The idea behind the podcast, which launched in 2016, was to bring the discourse you would get at a video store — talking with real humans about your movies, rather than trusting in an algorithm — back to…well, if not the world, or even Syracuse, at least to the guys who maybe missed that human connection the most: a bunch of pop culture junky loudmouths who used to run a really cool video store. Over the years, the Emerald City Video banner has flown over a number of themes, including specific episodes about TV series like Riverdale and Psych.
If you like what we’re doing here, you can become a patron of the Emerald City Video Podcast, which comes with fun perks. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We also have Instagram and Vero accounts where we share images, photos, memes, and nonsense. You can support us on Patreon, too, and do things like requesting custom episodes and the like.
Be back for more by noon on the fifth day, and please — always remember to rewind your videocassettes.

Friday Nov 17, 2017
New Release Wall #11: Justice League
Friday Nov 17, 2017
Friday Nov 17, 2017
The Justice League movie is finally out, and Russ and Zach went there and came out of it with a non-spoiler review for all you fine people.
Overall, Russ loved the movie, while Zach was lukewarm on it. Both had some thoughts on a few shortcomings, and both had plenty of favorable comparisons to make. This is no Civil War or Suicide Squad.
If you want to hear more like this, check out our Patreon -- you can find it here, and among other things backers can get a quarterly, exclusive video podcast DELIVERED ON VHS.

Friday Nov 03, 2017
New Release Wall#10: Thor: Ragnarok
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Zach Robers and Russ Burlingame take aim at Marvel's best-reviewed movie to date, Thor: Ragnarok.
Do we love it as much as everybody else, or was it more of a Captain America: Civil War situation? Find out within!
If you want to hear more like this, check out our Patreon -- you can find it here, and among other things backers can get a quarterly, exclusive video podcast DELIVERED ON VHS.

Friday Nov 03, 2017
Independent Film in the Age of Streaming
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Friday Nov 03, 2017
In a follow-up to our conversation on Classics*, which Russ and Zach recorded on the way to New York Comic Con at the beginning of October, comes a conversation that was recorded on the way home from the show.
After a conversation with Itsy Bitsy director Micah Gallo for his day job, Russ was left wondering how movies are distributed and marketed in a post-video environment. With only a small number of distributors accounting for the vast majority of what people watch nowadays, there are a lot of movies that go into the marketplace...but nobody notices. And very few ways to get word-of-mouth going.
If you want to hear more like this, check out our Patreon -- you can find it here, and among other things backers can get a quarterly, exclusive video podcast DELIVERED ON VHS.

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Whether it’s Oscar bait or crowd-pleasers, every year or two there is a movie that everyone is briefly convinced will be a classic for the ages, held up on the Mount Rushmore of film alongside Citizen Kane and The Godfather.
And basically every time, those people are wrong.
Is it because the movie itself is not as good as we thought it was, because of changing tastes, or just the fact that people do not want to accept new additions to the canon?
In any case, this is what Zach and Russ talked about in the car on the way to NYCC. This audio is captured from the Facebook live feed, so apologies for background hiss.
If you want to hear more like this, check out our Patreon -- you can find it here, and among other things backers can get a quarterly, exclusive video podcast DELIVERED ON VHS.

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Episode 16: Summer of Riverdale: Scream/Anatomy of a Murder
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Russ Burlingame and Eva Furmanska meet up to talk about Scream and Anatomy of a Murder, inspired by the penultimate episode of Riverdale's first season, titled "Anatomy of a Murder."
It has been a couple of weeks since this was recorded, actually, but editing time started to get away from me. Ultimately after the computer crashed at the tail end of FINALLY getting the editing done, I decided it was time to just give up and publish what I had. So apologies for each of us having at least one instance of pausing to talk to a toddler.
If you want to hear more like this, check out our Patreon -- you can find it here, and among other things backers can get a quarterly, exclusive video podcast DELIVERED ON VHS.

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Why Do We Love White Crime?
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
On the one hand, a huge number of movies are made every year that show the bad guy getting brutalized, humiliated, or otherwise getting a much-deserved comeuppance.
On the other, there is an increasingly common and popular subgenre of movies that seems to illustrate that the only thing we like more than watching bad guys get punished, is watching rich, white bad guys get away with it.
Yep -- this is gonna be that kind of podcast.
If you want to hear more like it, check out our Patreon -- you can find it here, and among other things backers can get a quarterly, exclusive video podcast DELIVERED ON VHS.

Saturday Oct 14, 2017
New Release Wall #9: The Foreigner
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Zach and Russ talk about Jackie Chan's latest movie, The Foreigner.
SPOILERS ON for this one. I will try and edit a non-spoiler version of this tonight.
You should also check out our new Patreon -- you can find it here, and among other things backers can get a quarterly, exclusive video podcast DELIVERED ON VHS.

Monday Oct 02, 2017
Staff Picks #3: Russ's Ten Favorite Comic Book Movies
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
These are Russ's FAVORITE (not BEST) comic book movies.
Have fun tweeting horrible things at him for it.
A new episode featuring more than just one person (I KNOW, RIGHT?) is coming this week, although it won't be until at least Wednesday because we are recording tonight and it has to go out to Patreon backers for two days first.
You should also check out our new Patreon -- you can find it here, and among other things backers can get a monthly, exclusive video podcast DELIVERED ON VHS.